Tuesday 3 October 2023

Why Spawn Is Such A Good Match For Call Of Duty--And Could Help Set The Stage For The Spawn Movie

Since Todd McFarlane's Spawn's debut in Spawn #1 back in May of 1992, McFarlane has tried to make his character as big as his Marvel creations. Within just a few years, Spawn launched into television–-winning two Emmy Awards in the process--a feature film, and video games. Spawn has now been featured in nine video games, four of those being non-Spawn titles including Mortal Kombat 11 as a DLC addition. Spawn will soon be a part of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II with operators having Spawn-themed skins in the Season 6 battle pass--rather than being sold as a separate bundle, as is usually the case with crossovers like The Boys and Godzilla. And that might be due in part to just how good of a match Spawn is for Call of Duty, as Todd McFarlane told GameSpot.

McFarlane created the hellish mercenary when he was a teenager and is the key figure in the Todd McFarlane brand–-even the logo of this company is a stylized version of Spawn's mask. McFarlane talked about how Spawn has been seen as just a video game character instead of a comic book character by the younger generation, but it doesn't bother him how you found the character.

"The malleable part of Spawn is also part of my sinister master plan because I don't care how you get into the door to the world of Spawn. If it's cool because you saw something cool in the comics? Cool. If it's something you saw from video games? Cool. 'Oh I saw the HBO show!' Fine! I don't care," McFarlane explained.Continue Reading at GameSpot


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