Tuesday 2 January 2024

PSA: Recording Explicit Baldur's Gate 3 Romance Scenes May Get Your Xbox Account Banned

Building up a romantic relationship with a companion of choice in Baldur's Gate 3 will earn players an intimate scene with the chosen party member. If you're on Xbox, however, be warned: Recording the scene could get you banned from Xbox Live, as one member of the game's Reddit community has reported.

Reddit user u/Daddy_Magic shared his plight on the BG3 forum, as they said they recorded three separate videos of a particular tryst in the player character's camp. As is routine, the videos were uploaded to the Xbox servers after capture for sharing purposes, but when the uploads were completed, each video was reportedly marked as an infraction..When you finally seal the deal with Shadowheart, stay away from the record button.

An accompanying image on the Reddit post shows each of the active suspensions earned by the three separate incidents. The first video earned a four-day suspension, with the second adding 22 days and the third adding 366 days.Continue Reading at GameSpot


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